It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!!!

With autumn’s cooler evening temperatures already creeping in and the predict 20’s next week, now is the right time to ensure your furnace is prepared for the winter weather ahead. Getting a head start on winter furnace maintenance can be the difference between a warm, comfortable home this season and dealing with unexpected repairs andContinue reading “It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!!!”

Is your furnace prepared?

Is it already that time of year again? The chill in the air says yes. Summer has ended here in MN and with it comes concerns about keeping homes warm during the fall and into the deep freeze. If you haven’t given much consideration to your home’s furnace over the summer -and you likely haven’t-Continue reading “Is your furnace prepared?”

Ten Most Common Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

Here some of the biggest air conditioning mistakes people make, as well as how to reduce your usage and utility bills. Mistake No. 1: Bigger is Not Always Better Many people are inclined to buy  a bigger air conditioner, assuming it will make the home colder faster. However, an oversized air conditioner doesn’t generate uniformContinue reading “Ten Most Common Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid”

How do I get my A/C ready for spring?

After  clearing any leaves, brush and dirt from  inside your air conditioner’s  top grille, trim nearby shrubs and bushes to allow at least two feet of clearance around the unit.  Remember to keep replacing your furnace filter once a month or so, because dirty filters restrict air flow and mean your system can waste energy.Continue reading “How do I get my A/C ready for spring?”

Easy Tips for Managing Your Air Conditioning System

Some folks think it is better to turn their AC off when they go out or go away. However, if you turn your system off on a 95°F day, it will take longer to recover and bring the temperature down to a more comfortable 75° F. Instead, when you leave the house, leave your airContinue reading “Easy Tips for Managing Your Air Conditioning System”

Furnace Not Blowing Warm Air?

If your furnace is not blowing warm air, check your filter first. Usually a furnace stops working because the filter is so dirty that it is blocking the air flow and that it won’t let the proper amount of air flow through it. Go to your furnace and remove your filter. If it is completelyContinue reading “Furnace Not Blowing Warm Air?”

Furnace Filter Facts!

Now that that we have fired up the furnaces for the upcoming hibernation, I mean winter season, you may have noticed you are sneezing more, have to dust more often or have mysteriously dirty heat vents. Wait a second! When did you last change the furnace filter? If it has been longer than a month,Continue reading “Furnace Filter Facts!”

Chug, Chug, Gasp!

Most of us never give our gas or electric furnace a second thought, until there is a problem with it. A furnace never chugs to a stop in the middle of July, mainly because it is not in use at the time. But, when a furnace gasps to a hault, in the middle of JanuaryContinue reading “Chug, Chug, Gasp!”

Not Sure if You Should Repair or Replace?

Deciding when it’s time to repair or replace your heating and cooling system can be difficult. As with a car or any other mechanical system, there are many factors to consider, including the age and condition of the equipment. Are you frequently repairing your old system, do your monthly utility bills keep rising? Even ifContinue reading “Not Sure if You Should Repair or Replace?”

$1500 Tax Credit

Did you know that we carry and install a wide selection of heating, cooling and ventilation products that can qualify you for up to a $1,500 tax credit based on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit is a product of the new stimulus bill given to consumersContinue reading “$1500 Tax Credit”